Application for
Resident Assistant
We are excited that you are interested in being a part of the GCBI team! Please fill out the below application to the best of your ability. Thanks!
Please complete the form below
List of RA Requirements:
Discipleship - The RAs are here to help the student be as effective as possible in their time at GCBI. We ask that the RA's take time each week to spend with the students and develop relationships with them, guys with the guys and girls with the girls.
Meetings - As the Site Coordinators we see the RA positions as our first line of discipleship and are excited to walk alongside you as you grow in spiritual maturity. While we will certainly be doing life with you all we also plan to meet up with you weekly as a whole team along with meetings (as time & schedules allow) for the girl RAs with Caroline and the guy RAs with Devon.
Calendar - It will be the RA's job to work on the calendar. They will be required to accurately show where dinners are along with addresses. Also included on the calendar will be the homework assignments and what will be covered in class.
Cleaning Schedule - It will be the RA's job to work together to develop a cleaning schedule for the students at GCBI on a weekly basis for "Power Hour."
Shopping for the Students - Once a week the RAs or Staff will have the responsibility for shopping for the students and making sure they are stocked on food and essentials.
Questions - The RA will be responsible for fielding any homework related questions a student may have although final decision will be up to the Academic Advisor and/or Devon.
Grading - the RA will be responsible for checking homework and memory verses.
Class and Dinner Attendance - The RAs are welcome to attend GCBI classes as often as they desire and are required to attend dinners (as their work/ministry schedule permits) as this is vital relationship building time for the students and members of the church. For dinners we ask for notification if you will have to miss.
Full compliance and agreement to the GCBI Handbook.
*Site Coordinators reserve the right to add or take away any of the above items depending on the need.